Speech Fellows Request Form

Fill out the form below to request a speech fellow for your class, and Speech Center Director Linda Hobgood will contact you regarding your request and any questions you may have about this process. Please email Speech Center Director Linda Hobgood a copy of your assignment instructions and/or syllabus. Paper copies and digital files will be made available in each of the studios for the fellows and students to reference as they work. We ask that requests be made prior to the start of the semester, or as as soon as you know you would like to utilize this service. Requests are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Once you have recieved confirmation from the director that your request has been filled and she has put you in touch with your speech fellow(s), please share our Appointments page with your students and meet with your assigned fellow(s) to discuss expectations for the semester.

I would like to request a Speech Fellow for the purpose of providing assistance to students enrolled in the class listed above. This assistance should include (check appropriate items): *